Job Listings

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Company NamePrivate Contract
Job PositionRespite Worker
Job Location
  • Arnprior
Job Type
  • Part Time
Anticipated Start Date02/01/2025
Posting End Date02/01/2025
Compensation Amount$26/hour
Job Requirements
  • Valid Drivers License
  • Transportation
  • Physically Fit Able to Lift 50+lbs
  • Police Record Check
Job Description

We are looking for one or more respite workers to help care for our daughter. There are three roles we are hiring for; you can apply for one, two, or all three if you want.

First, we need someone who can help out with the morning routine during the week, from 6-8am. You'd be helping our daughter wake up, brush teeth, bathe, get dressed, have breakfast, and then get ready for the bus.

Second, we need someone who can take our daughter swimming once or twice a week at the Nick Smith Centre. Shifts would be two hours, with the day & time depending on the NSC swim schedule. You'd drive our daughter to the pool, help her get changed, go swimming with her, and drive her back home.

Finally, we need someone who is able to provide general respite work on weekends. Hours are flexible, and duties would depend on what time of day you schedule your shifts. Priority for this role will go to anyone who wishes to take on either of the first two roles, to provide more hours per week.

Our daughter is 15 years old, and has special needs. We're looking for someone who is kind, patient, and has the energy to keep up with her, as she is very active. Applicants must be at least 18 years old, and able to obtain a current police record check. Apply by email at [email protected], or by text at 613-570-4254.

How Applicants Should ApplyE-mail
Apply to:[email protected]