Better Jobs Ontario

Better Jobs Ontario

Have you been laid-off?  Not working or working a temporary job just to cover costs?  Been unemployed
for six months or longer and part of a low-income household?  You may be eligible for Better Jobs

Better Jobs Ontario is an Ontario government initiative that offers skills-training and financial support to
help individuals find jobs in high-demand occupations and rejoin the workforce quickly.  The program
focuses on training programs that take 52 weeks or less to complete, including micro-credential

Financial Supports can include tuition, books, other instructional costs, supplies and electronic devices,
transportation, and a basic living allowance. Additional supports may be available to accommodate the
needs of people with disabilities, dependent care, costs of living away from home and academic

Book an appointment with one of ontrac’s Employment Coaches today to discover if you are eligible for
Better Jobs Ontario.

Helpful link

For more information contact us or come into an ontrac location and register!