Job Listings

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Company NameLafont Masonry
Job PositionLabourer
Job Location
  • Arnprior
  • Renfrew
  • Other
Please specify the locationEganville, Pembroke, etc.
Job Type
  • Full Time
  • Permanent
Anticipated Start Date07/31/2024
Posting End Date07/31/2025
Compensation AmountTo be determined
Job Requirements
  • Valid Drivers License
  • Transportation
  • Will Train
  • Attention to Detail
  • Strong Problem Solving Skills
  • Physically Fit Able to Lift 50+lbs
  • Steel Toe Boots
Job Description

Lafont Masonry is expanding and currently looking to add a labourer to our team.

Duties include:
- building/dismantling scaffolding.
- mixing mortar/concrete to appropriate consistencies.
- cleaning and maintenance or mortar mixer and other equipment.
- tending to mason(s) (stocking supplies/mortar on scaffolding)
- cutting brick, stone, block, etc to appropriate sizes.
- general clean up of job sites.

Tools needed:
- Tape measure
- Pencil
- Knife
- Tacker
- Speed square
- Hard hat
- Levels
- Safety glasses
- Hearing protection

Working at heights and propane connection license considered an asset.

Must have transportation. Those who cannot get to and from job sites need not apply.

Will train.

We service the entire Ottawa valley, city of Ottawa, etc.

Wage to be discussed

How Applicants Should ApplyE-mail
Apply to:[email protected]